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Imagen de EB1HBK

Corrección listas IARU 50 MHz Contest

Ya hemos recibido respuesta del mánager de VHF en relación al problema con la gestión de las listas enviadas.

Esta es la contestación:

"Dr OM,

After we published the results of 2011 50 MHz IARU region 1 contest we have
received information that logs which were send were not in the list.

After investigating the complaints it was indicated that 45 logs were lost
during electronic transfer or electronic storage. These logs were send again
and obvious reason to make a correction to the results of the 2011 50 MHz
IARU region 1 contest.

Please apologize for this.

Vy 73,

Theo Köhler PA1TK

VERON VHF contest manager"


Adjuntamos el archivo con la clasificación definitiva.


73. J.Moldes -EB1HBK-

Icono PDF Final results_IARU50MHZ_11.pdf0 bytes